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My secure shopping cart is http://www.hopefarmbooks.comLineage of the Decker Family
with additional DECKER genealogy contributed by elainedecker@frontiernet.net
From Olde Ulster Magazine
by Mrs. G. B. Munger
AMONG the earliest settlers of the Esopus was a man who was usually known as " Jan Broersen." He was here as early as 1657 and in the complaint made by Thomas Chambers of the sale of brandy to the Indians, and of the first murderous attack of the savages, he appears as one of the signers. When he immigrated from the Netherlands is not known; nor whether he was related to the Commissary, Johan de Deckere, but this is probable. The latter came to the Manhattans from Holland in I655 and was immediately appointed Receiver-General. About this time Jan Broersen [Decker] appeared in the Esopus. We find his name to the above protest on May 18, 1658; upon May 31, 1658, he signs the compact to remove into the stockade when built; on August 17, I659, he signs the petition that Domine Blom be sent as minister to the Esopus; in September of that year he joins with other citizens of Esopus in a letter to Stuyvesant concerning the outrages by the savages in the First Esopus War; his name appears on the muster roll of the military company on March 28, 1660; again upon a like roll of June 15, 1661; he subscribed fifteen florins to the salary of Domine Blom; he had been in possession of Lot No. 11 in Wiltwyck before the place was laid out and was one of the witnesses sworn in the proceedings of inquiry into what it known as "The Esopus Mutiny" in 1667.
(I.) JAN BROERSEN [DECKER1] married, first, HEYLTJE JACOBS. He married, second, 24 December, 1679, WILLEMTIE JACOBS, widow of Jan Cornelisse, of Gottenburgh, Sweden. No issue of second marriage. Children of JAN BROERSEN DECKER and HEYLTJE JACOBS
(2) Gaerliff2 (Gerrit): Baptized in Kingston 26 February, I662.
(3) Grietje2: Baptized 31 August, 1664.
(4) Maddelen2: Baptized 3 October, 1666.
(5) Fietie2: Baptized 18 June, 1671.
(II.) GERRIT JANSE DECKER2 (Jan1) married MAGDALENA WILLEMZ SCHUT in 1684. The first publication of the banns was on 2 April, 1684, but the date of marriage is not given in the record. The entry from the Kingston Church records reads " Gerrit Janse Decker, j. m.* born in Kingston and residing in Marmur [Marbletown] and Magdalena Willemz Schut, j. d.** born in N. Albanien [Albany] and residing as above." NOTE: * J. m.- bachelor. + ** j.d. - maid
On I2 January, 1696, Magdalena marries the second time. The record reads: "Rutsert Wintveld [Richard Winfield] j. m. born in Daerbie [Derby] in Engelland [England] and residing under the jurisdiction of the Pals [New Paltz] and Magdalena Schut, widow of Gerrit Decker, born in Albanie and residing there."
(6) Jacob3; Born in 1684.
(7) Willem3. Baptized 6 November, 1687.
(8) Grieje3: Baptized 4 October, I691.
(9) Neeltje3: Baptized 10 June, 1694.
(VI.) JACOB GERRITSE DECKER3 (Gerrit2, Jan1) married GEERTYE van WAGENEN. The record reads " Jachop Gerritse Decker, born in Mormel [Marbletown], and residing in Sawoyngoyng [Shawangunk] and Geertye van Wagenen, born in Kingstowne and residing there." The marriage was in 1709, date not given.
(10) Sara4: Born 19 December, 1709. " Our first daughter."
(11) Gerret4: Born 2 October, 1711. " Our first son."
(12) Willem4: Born 15 July, 1713. '- Our second son."
(13) Jacob4: Born 3 October, 1715. "Our third son."
(14) Abram4: Born 27 October, 1717. "Our fourth son."
(15) Isaac4: Born 20 December, 1719 "Our fifth son.'
(16) Benjamin4: Born 2 October, 1721. "Our sixth son."
(17) Ephraim4: Born 16 September, 1723. " Our seventh son."
(18) Magdalena4: Born 6 October, 1725. "Our secand daughter"
(19) Jonathan4: Born 30 August, 1728. " Our eighth son."
(These entries of births are from the old family Bible in possession of the writer. So are those which follow.)
(XI.) GERRIT4 (Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) DECKER was married to CATHARINA SCHUT, 6 October, 1733, by Reverend Petrus Vas. Gerrit Decker died I May, 1786. Catharina died 11 April, 1770.
(20) Petrus5: Born 30 July, 1734. " Fallen on sleep " 22 November, 1758. (21) Manases5: Born 24 August, 1736.
(22) Gertie5: Born 22 October, 1738.
(23) Elizabeth5: Born 11 November, 1740.
(24) Hiskia5: Born 5 December, 1742; died 9 March, 1745
(25) Cattrina5: Born 20 December, 1744
(26) Jenneke5: Born 4 November, 1747.
(27) Elias5: Born 7 August, 1750.
(28) Rubben5: Born 30 March, 1753.
(29) Samuel5: Born I5 February, 1756; died 20 April, 1776
(30) Petrus5: Born 3 February, 1759.
(XXX ) PETRUS DECKER5 (Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) was married to ANNATJE DECKER 10 August, 1782, by Reverend Rymer Van Nest.
(31) Levi6: Born 7 September, 1783.
(32) Geertje6: Born 18 May, I785
(33) William6: Born 10 May, I787.
(34) Samuel6; Born 18 October, I789.
35) Garret6: Born II May, I792.
(36) John6: Born 3I March, I794.
(37) Thomas6: Born 12 March, I800.
(XXXI.) LEVI DECKER6 (Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) was married to ANN DAVIS I5 January, 1806, at Shawangunk by Reverend Moses Freligh.
(38) Elsie Ann7: Born 25 July, I807.
(39) Peter7: Born 12 March, I809; died I8 September, 1863.
(40) Frances7: Born 30 March, 1811; died 22 February, I87I.
(4I) John Davis7: Born 9 March, 1814; died in 1880.
(42) Jeremiah7: Born 8 October, 1816: died 2I November, I839.
(43) Harvey7: Born 3 April, 18I9; died 25 February, 1890.
(44) Thomas7: Born 17 January, 1822; died 4 June, I898.
(45) Sarah7: Born 3 August, 1824; died 11 October, I9OI.
(XXXIX.) PETER DECKER7 (Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married GERTRUDE CATHARINE GASHERIE 20 December, 1837.
(46) 38; died 15 August, 1894.
(47) Gasherie8: Born 23 October, I840; died I2 September, I864.
(48) James Van Vleck8: Born 24 July, I842; died 23 August, I847.
(49) Sarah Catharine Lyon8: Born I6 June, 1844; died 25 September, I845. (50) Gertrude Besley8: Born 3I December, 1845.
(XLVI.) LEVI DECKER8 (Peter7, Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married LYDIA MARIA LEWIS I June, I865. Children:
(5I) Ella May9.
(52) Levi Gasherie9.
(53) Bessie Gertrude9.
(54) Percy Lewis9.
(55) Lucy Bird9.
(L.) GERTRUDE BESLY DECKER8 (Peter7, Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married COLBY O. MUNGER 10 August, I869.
(56) Edwin Thomas9: Born 14 July, I870.
(XXXVIII.) ELSIE ANN DECKER7 (Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married LUTHER HOORNBEEK 15 May, 1830.
(57) Susan Ann8: Born IO April, I832; married Robert Rhinehart and lives at Dwaarskill, Ulster county, New York, in the old homestead erected about 1776. No children.
(58) Frances8: Born 23 May, I836; died 9 February, I837.
(59) Sarah8: Born I4 July, I838; died 7 February, 1875.
(60) Harriet8: Born 25 August, 1845; died a few years ago.
(61) Levi8: Born 17 February, 1848; died 24 February, 1864
(XL.) FRANCES DECKER7 (Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married EDMUND BRUYN 27 January, I835.
(62) Levis: Born 30 October, 1835; died 10 April, 1837
(63) Wilson8: Born 15 December, 1837. Lives in Dwaarskill.
(64) John Oscar8: Born 9 June, 1843; died 31 August, 1881.
(LXII.) LEVI BRUYN8 (Frances7, Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married, first, MARY JANE SMITH 30 October, 1862. She died February, 1871. No children. He married, second, ANN E. SNYDER.
Children of LEVI BRUYN and ANN E. SNYDER:
(65) Irwin Snyder9: Born 12 June, 1874. Died in childhood.
(66) William Edmund9: Born 30 June, 1878. Lives in New York City.
(LXIII.) WILSON BRUYN8 (Frances7, Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married HENRIETTA STINE-December, I865. She died 3I March, 1903.
(67) Francis Stine9: Born 2 January, I881. Lives in New York City.
(XLIII.) HARVEY DECKER7 (Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married, first, MARIETTA McEWEN 8 September, 1841. She died 8 August,1853
(68) Clarence W.8 : Born 21 September, 1843; killed in battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, May, 1864.
(69) Wheeler8: Bom 24 June, I845; died 14 December, 1883.
(70) John T.8: Born 11 Sept.,1847; died 28 July, 1848.
(71) Mariana8: Born 22 September, 1850.
(72) Emily8: Born 7 June, 1853; died 29 August 1853
HARVEY DECKER married, second, ELIZABETH GOODGION 13 October, 1859. She was born 26 June 1824; died 7 January, 1891. Children:
(73) Robert A.8: Born 1 Aprii,1861; died 2 Feb.,1888.
(74) Johnson8: Born 5 July, 1862.
(75) Marvena8: Born 29 April, 1864.
(76) Willett8: Born 18 June, 1866; died 4 March, 1894.
(LXIX.) WHEELER DECKER8 (Harvey7, Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married LAURA L. SHIPLEY 19 October, 1874, at Sioux City, Iowa.
(77) Eugene Herbert9: Born 12 August, I875.
(78) Wlllard Clark9: Born 29 October, 1880.
(LXXVII.) EUGENE HERBERT DECKER9 (Wheeler8, Harvey7, Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married HATTIE MAY MITCHELL 18 July, 1900. They reside at Hueneme, California. Children:
(79) Ardis Gertrude10: Born 3 May, 1902.
(80) Harold Clark10: Born 2 May, 1903.
(81) A younger child10.
(LXXIV.) JOHNSON DECKER8 (Harvey7, Levi6, Petrus5. Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married ALBERTINA ROSENCRANS 25 October, 1893. They live at Windham, New Jersey.
(82) Viola9.
(LXXV.) MARVENA DECKER8 (Harvey7, Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married ROBERT S. DECKER 2 September, 1890, at Rutsenville, New York.
(83) Harvey Wilkin9: Born 8 July, 1891; died 23 October, 1894.
(84) A son, born later9.
(XLIV.) THOMAS DECKER7 (Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married CHARLOTTE BRIGHTON 10 March, 1852, at De Pere, Wisconsin. Children:
(85) Thomas8: Born 10 May, 1853.
(86) Sarah3: Born 22 September, 1854.
(87) John8: Born lo May, I857; died 2 December, 1893.
(88) Levi3: Born 8 May, I859; died I July, 1875.
(89) Samuel3: Born I8 May, 1864.
(90) Annie3: Born 5 August, I866; died 29 July, 1869.
(LXXXV.) THOMAS DECKER8 (Thomas7, Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married AGNES RAMSAY 21 March, 1883, at De Pere, Wisconsin. She died 15 June, 1893.
(91) Edna Jean9: Born 16 March, 1884; died 4 March, I885.
(92) Ramsay Prescott9: Born 29 July, 1886.
(93) Margaret Sarah9: Born I April, 1893.
(XLV.) SARAH DECKER7 (Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married DAVID MCELHONE 3I December, I844. No children.
(XLI.) JOHN DAVIS DECKER7 (Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2 Jan1) was born 9 March, 1814, and was the son of Levi Decker and Ann Davis. He was married by the Rev. J. H. Bevier to MARIA GOODGION 2 February, 1837.
(94) Alfred8: Born 21 March, I838; died Aug., 1903, in Cambridge, Nebraska.
(95) Robert Goodgion8: Born 28 Nov., 1839: killed in the Civil War in 1862.
(96) Anna Margaret8: Bom 29 April, 1842; died 7 July, 1852.
(97) Wilkin Hornbeck8: Born 7 Oct., 1844; married (1st) Sarah J. Canfield; (2nd) Libbie Evan.
(98) Sarah Frances8: Born 21 June, 1847; married Daniel Deyo.
(99) David McElhone8: Born 22 Jan., 1850; married. Residence Bruynswick, N. Y.
(100) Mary Elizabeth8: Born 5 December, 1852; unmarried. Residence Bruynswick, N. Y.
(IOI) John Thomas8:26 July, 1855.
(102) Ann Maria8: Born 31 July, 1859.
(XCIV.) ALFRED DECKER8 (John Davis7, Levi6 Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married (1st) to SARAH FRANCES ESTELL. by the Rev. William Hamilton of the Reformed Church of New Prospect, town of Shawangunk, N. Y. Married (2nd) MRS. JANE HUNTER 30 July, 1879. Residence, Cambridge, Nebraska. Have no record of his family.
(XLIII.) HARVEY DECKER7: (Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) was born 3 April, 1819, and died 25 Feb., 1890. He was the son of Levi Decker and Ann Davis and married (Ist) 8 Sept., 1841, MARIETTA MCEWEN: Born 5 April, 1820, and died in Delafield, Wisconsin, 8 August, 1853.
(103) Clarence W.8: Born 21 Sept., 1843; killed in the battle of Pleasant Hill on Red River, Louisiana, May __ 1864.
(104) Wheeler8: Born 24 June, 1845; died 14 Dec., 1883, at Sioux City, Iowa.
(105) John T.8: Born 11 Sept., 1847; died 28 July, 1848.
(106) Mariana8: Born 22 Sept., 1850; resides in Bruynswick, Ulster Co., N. Y.
(107) Emily8: Born 7 June, 1853; died 29 Aug., 1853.
HARVEY DECKER married (2nd) ELIZABETH GOODGION 13 Oct., 1854 She was born 26 June, 1824; died.
(108) Robert A.8 : Born 1 April, 1861; died 2 Feb., 1888.
(109) Johnson8: Born 5 July, 1862; married 25 Oct., 1893, Albertina Rosencrans. They have one child, Helen.
(110) Marvena8: Born 29 April, 1864; married Robert L. Decker (l25). (111) Willet8: Born 18 June, 1866; died 4 March, 1894.
(CIV.) WHEELER DECKER8: (Harvey7, Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) was born 24 June, 1845, and died at Sious City, Iowa, 14 Dec., 1883. He married 19 Oct., 1874, at Sioux City, LAURA E. SHIPLEY.
(112) Eugene Herbert9: Born 12 Aug., 1875. Residence Hueneme, California.
(113) Willard Clark9: Born 29 August, 1880. Residence in Oregon.
(CX.) MARVENA DECKER8 (Harvey7, Ievi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) was born 29 April, 1864, and married at Rutsenville, N.Y., ROBERT L. DECKER (125) 2 Sept., 1890.
(114) Harvey Wilkin9 : Born 8 July, 1891; died 23 Oct., 1894.
(115) One son9 born later.
(XLIV.) THOMAS DECKER7 (Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4. Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) was born 17 Jan., 1822, and died 4 June, 1898. He was married by the Rev. S. W. Ford at West De Pere, Wisconsin, 10 March,1852, to CHARLOTTE BRIGHTON, born in England 22 Nov., 1827.
(116) Thomas8: Born 10 May, 1853, Residence, West De Pere, Wisconsin.
(117) Sarah8: Born 22 Sept., 1854. Residence, West De Pere, Wisconsin.
(118) John8: Born 10 May, 1857; died 2 Sept., 1893. No heirs.
(119) Levi8: Born 8 May, 1859; died 1 July, 1875.
(120) Samuel8: Born in 1864. Residence, West De Pere, Wisconsin. (121) Annie6: Born 5 Aug., 1866; died 29 July, 1869,
(CXVI.) THOMAS DECKER8 ( Thomas7, Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) was born 10 May, 1853, and resides in West De Pere, Wisconsin. He married AGNES RAMSAY 21 March, 1883, and died 15 June, 1893.
(122) Edna Jean9: Born 16 March, 1884, and died 4 March, 1885.
(123) Ramsay Prescott9: Born 29 July, 1886.
(124) Margaret Sarah9: Born 4 April, 1893.
(XCVII.) WILKIN HORNBECK DECKER8 (John Davis7, Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1): Born 7 Oct., 1844; married by the Rev. Walker, of Wallkill Valley, 27 Jan., 1869, to (Ist) SARAH J. CANFIELD.
(125) Robert Lewis9: Born 1 Aug., 1869; married Marvena Decker (110). (126) Marietta9: Born 21 Oct,, 1871; married Liverius Crookston.
WILKIN HORNBECK DECKER married (2nd) by the Rev. W. D. Fiero to LIBBIE EVANS 5 Dec., 1878.
(127) Florence Ethel9: Born __ ; married Chester Quick, May __ , 1906.
(CXXVI.) MARIETTA DECKER9 (Wilkin Horn beck8, John Davis7, Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1) married LIVERIUS CROOKSTON, l Oct., 1900 in Shawangunk.
(128) Viola10: Bom 1 Feb., 1902. Notes. --Sarah Frances (98), daughter of John Davis Decker (41) and Maria Goodgion was married by the Rev. Cyril Spaulding of Shawangunk to Daniel Deyo, and had four daughters, one of whom is dead. John Thomas (101), son of John Davis Decker (41) and Maria Goodgion was married by the Rev. W. D. Fiero to Martha Ann Peck, and resides in Middletown, New York. Ann Maria (102), daughter of John Davis Decker (41) and Maria Goodgion was married by the Rev. Herman Hageman to George Whelpley. Residence, Belleville, New Jersey.
(XXXVIII.) ELSIE ANN DECKER7 (Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2. Jan1), daughter of Levi Decker and Ann Davis, was born 25 July, 1807, and married LUTHER HORNBECK.
(129) Susan Ann8: Born 10 April, 1832; married Robert Rhinehart 10 Aug., 1876. Resides in Dwaarskill, N. Y.
(130) Frances8: Born 23 May, 1836; died 9 Feb., 1837.
(131) Sarah8: Born 14 July, 1838; died 7 Feb., 1875.
(132) Harriet8: Born 25 Aug., 1845; died 14 March, 1900
(133) Levi8: Bom 17 Feb., 1848; died 24 Feb., 1864.
(XL.) FRANCES DECKER7 (Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1), second daughter of Levi Decker and Ann Davis, was born 30 March, 1811, and died 22 Feb., 1871. She married EDMUND BRUYN 27 Jan., 1835.
(134) John Oscar8: Born ___
(135) Levi8: Born 30 Oct., 1835; married (1st) Mary Jane Smith 30 Oct., 1862, who died 24 Feb, 1871. He married (2nd) Ann E. Snyder, 9 Dec., I872.
(136) Wilson8: Born 15 Dec., I837.
(CXXXV.) LEVI BRUYN8 (Frances7,Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1), the son of Edmund Bruyn and Frances Decker, was born 30 October, I835. He married (2nd) ANN E. SNYDER 9 December, 1872. Children:
(137) Irwin Snyder9: Born I2 Jan., 1874; died 24 Oct., 1877
(138) William Edmund9: Born 30 June, 1878, at Rosendale, N. Y. Married 17 October, I906, Evelyn Myer in Brooklyn, N. Y., and resides there.
(CXXXVI.) WILSON BRUYN8 (Frances7, Levi6 Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jaceb Gerritse3. Gerrit2, Jan1) son of Edmund Bruyn and Frances Decker, was born I5 December, I837, and married HENRIETTA STINE of West Virginia -- December, 1865. She died March, 1903. Child:
(139) Francis Stine9: Born 2 January, I881. Resides in New York City.
(XLV.) SARAH DECKER7 (Levi6, Petrus5, Gerrit4, Jacob Gerritse3, Gerrit2, Jan1), daughter of Levi Decker and Ann Davis, was born 3 August, 1824, and died October, 1901 She married DAVID McELHONE 31 December, 1844 No children.
In the publication of the line of the Decker family there is to be found the line of Cornelius Decker, mar rried in 1695 to Elsie TenBroeck, daughter of Wessel TenBroeck. He seems to havc been a son of John Broersen Decker, but of this there is no proof. The recurrence of the same Christian names in his and the other Decker families shows that he is of the same family. His marriage record says he was born in Kingston. In the following installment of the Decker line he will be given as of this family.
(I do not know the father of Cornelius Decker with which the following begins, but his marriage record in Kingston Church Records states that he was born in Kingston. Therefore I have marked him of the second generation. From the constant recurrence of the name John I infer that his father's name was John, presumably John Brouerson Decker. MRS. G. B. MUNGER.)
(II.a) CORNELIUS DECKER2 married 22 Dec., 1695, ELSIE TEN BROECK, daughter of Wessel Ten Broeck and Marya Ten Eyck. Children:
(140) Johannes3: Bap. 16 May, 1696.
(141) Maria3: Bap. 1 May, 1698.
(142) Heyltje3: Bap. 14 Jan., 1700.
(143) Wessel3: Bap. 25 Jan., 1702.
(CXL.) JOHANNES DECKER3 (Cornelius2) married (1St) 29 Dec., 1720, CATRINA WYNKOOP, baptized 17 Dec., I699, daughter of Evert Wynkoop and Geertje Elmendorp. Catrina died 2 Jan., 1724.
(I44) Geertjen4: Bap. I5 Oct., I72I.
JOHANNES DECKER married (2nd) MARYTJE JANSEN I7 May, 1726. Children: (NOTE:-The following entries are from an old Dutch Bible now in possession of Mrs. Ellen Jane Decker Bruyn, Bruynswick, Ulster county, N. Y.)
"1724, January 2d. My wife, Catrina Wynkoop is at rest in the Lord, and buried the 4th among her friends and beside her mother.
"I725, June 9. My mother sleeps in the Lord, and buried the 11th June in the churchyard, beside her husband, Cornelius Decker, and my forefathers.
"1726, I, Johannes Decker, married Marytje Jansen the 17th May.
(145) "I727, March 26th, is my daughter Elsie4 born, Saturday night. Her godfather and godmother Matthewis Jansen & Marya Decker.
(146) "1729, February 28th, is my daughter Rachel4 born. Her godfather and godmother Benjamin Smedes, Jr.and Rachel Smedes.
(147) "Jany 6th, is my son Cornelis4 born. His godfather and godmother, Cornelis Jansen, Heyltje Decker.
(I48) "1733, Dec. I4th, is my son Matthewis4 born. His godfather and godmother Johannes Jansen and Annaye Jansen.
(149) "1737, January 9th, is my daughter Marya4 born. Her godfather and godmother Isaac Tack and Magdalene Tack.
(150) "1739, February the 17th, is my daughter Catharyna4 born. Her godfather and godmother Johannes Delameter and Margaret Jansen. (151) "1741, April 16th, is my son Johannes4 born. Her godfather and godmother, Johannes TenBroeck and Rachel TenBroeck.
"1742, January the 23d Johannes Decker is deceased in the Lord. Saturday afternoon."
(CXLVII.) "1762, July Ist, was I, CORNELIUS DECKER4 [Johannes3, Cornelius2] married (Ist) to ELIZABETH VAN WAGENEN.
(152) "1764, January 16th, is my eldest daughter Sarah5 born. Joannes Decker and Annache Van Wagenen her godfather and godmother.
"1764, March 12th, is my wife deceased in the Lord, on Monday, about nine or ten o'clock before midday.
"1739, November Ist, Elizabeth Van Wagenen, daughter of Symen Van Wagenen and Sarah Du Bois."
CORNELIUS DECKER married (2nd) ELIZABETH DECKERS (born Nov. 11, 1740, daughter of Gerrit Decker4 and Catherine Schutt The Bible record continues:
(153) "1767, June 2d, is my eldest son born, named Johannes5. His godfather and godmother Benjamin Smedes, Jr., and Elsie his wife. (154) "1770, July 13th, is my second Son born, named Corneliuss.
(155) "1774, February 2d, is my second daughter born, named Catharina5. (156) "1778, October the 8th, is my third daughter born, Elizabeth5.
(157) "l780, November the 23nd, is my fourth daughter born, named Maria5.
"1795, August 11th, is my third daughter, Elizabeth, deceased.
"1796, September 23rd, is my son Cornelius deceased.
"I740, November 11th, is my second wife Elizabeth born; died 1813, June 10th, aged 72 years, 7 months.
"1812, August 4th, died my father Cornelius Decker."
(CLIII.) JOHANNES C. DECKER5 (Cornelius4, Johannes3, Cornelius2) was born 2 June, I767 and married SARAH DEPUY, born in I767. Children:
(158) Cornelius6: Born 30 March, 1789; married Gertrude Bruyn. Their children were Johannis, Zachariah, Asa, Sarah, Elizabeth, Cornelius, Eli, Cornelia Ann, Rachel, Nathaniel.
(159) Annatia6: Born 2 Sept., I790; married Elijah Alliger. Their children were Isaac, John Benjamin, Elizabeth Decker, Cornelius Decker.
(160) Elizabeth6: Born 11 Nov., 1792; married Benjamin Alliger. No children.
(161) Maria6: 13orn 26 Dec., 1794; married Levi Hasbrouck. Their children were Johannis Decker, Joseph L., Sarah Ann, Augustus.
(162) Catharine6: Born 3 Nov., 1797; married Cornelius Smedes. Their children were George, Josiah, Matthew Jansen, Johannis Decker.
(163) John DePuy6: Born I4 Sept., I799; married Nancy Hoey.
(I64) Sarah H.6: Born 20 Sept., 1801; married Willett Linderman. Their children were Sarah Maria, Rachel.
(165) Rachel6 : Born 3 Aug., 1803; married Richard Jackson. Their children were Rachel Ann, John Richard.
(I66) Moses I.6: Born I9 Aug., 1805; married Elsie Ann Jansen. Their children were John August, Catharine Jansen, Adoniram Judson.
(167) Margaret6: Born 1 Dec., 1807; married John D. DeYoe. Their children were Abraham Nathaniel, Johannis Augustus, Leah Catharine, Sarah Ann, Daniel.
(168) Elsie6: Born 6 April, 1810; married Matthew Jansen. Their child Egbert died in infancy.
(169) Josiah6: Born 6 May, 1813; married Mary Elma Decker. Their children were Garrett, Newton Johannis, Anna Frances, Mary Boyd, Josiah.
(CLXIII.) JOHN DEPUY DECKER6 (Johannes C.5, Cornelius4, Johannes3, Cornelius2) was born 14 September, 1799; married NANCY HOEY 3 March, 1827, by Rev. Abraham D. Wilson of the Shawangunk Reformed Church. She was born 10 August, 1798.
(170) Sarah DePuy7: Born , 1828; married John Lang I3 June, 1867. (171) Mary7: Bom 29 Jan., 1829.
(172) Robert Hoey7: Born I4 July, I831; married Mary Jane Van Keuren 15 Dec., I859.
(173) Ann Catharine7: Born 20 May, 1833.
(174) Julia Elizabeth7: Born 5 May, 1835.
(175) John J.7: Born 6 Nov., 1836; married Mary Belle Crane 7 July, 1880.
(I76) Ellen Jane7: Born 25 Jan., I839; married Edmund Bruyn 23 June, I875.
(177) Elijah Alliger7: Born 3 Feb., I841; married Cornelia Spaulding 16 May, I878.
(CLXXI.) MARY DECKER7 (John DePuy6, Johan nes C.5, Cornelius4, Johannes3, Cornelius2) was born 29 January, I829 and married CLARK DECKER 5 Novem ber, 1850
(178) Howard8: Born 6 Jan., 1854; married Lucia Dwight Spaulding. (179) Mariana8: Born 28 April, 1857.
(180) Boyd.8: Born 18 July, 1859.
(181) Charles8: Born 30 Oct., 1862; died 27 Feb., 1865.
(182) Agnes Hoey8: Born I4 June, 1865; married Andrew R. Armstrong.
(CLXXIX.) MARIANA DECKER8 (Mary7, John DePuy6, Johannes C.5, Cornelius4, Johannes3, Cornelius2) was born 28 April, 1857; married JOHN L. MCKINNEY of Pine Bush, New York.
(183) Howard Decker9: Born 29 May, 1889.
(I84) Marion9: Born 24 November, I892.
(CLXXX.) B0YD DECKER8 (Mary7, John DePuy6, Johannes C.5, Cornelius4, Johannes3, Cornelius2), was born 18 July, 1859 and married FANNIE FULLER RAYMOND 12 July, 1888.
(185) Raymond Boyd9: Born 8 Sept., I889.
(I86) Kenneth Clark9: Born 28 Sept., 1891.
(187) Ralph Kempton9: Born 11 Aug., 1897. (188) Lawrence DePuy9: Born 5 April, I903.
End of Decker Lineage from Olde Ulster
DECKER -- DESCENDANTS of PHILIP SINES and PERCILLA BANGS, his wife, 1775-1933, and HEIRS AT LAW next of KIN of LEMUEL SINES, deceased.
The information in regard to the descendants of Philip SINES and his wife,
Percilla BANGS, was gathered by David T. Williams of Union Grove, N.Y., the facts being secured from some of the different heirs. The list is as nearly correct as it has been possible to obtain, being furnished by Corbett & Stuart of Binghamton, N.Y.Note from transcriber:
These old papers have been in my family as long as I can remember. (I wasborn in 1948.) My ancestors are Philip SINES and Percilla BANGS; Ellen SINES and Ephraim DECKER; Philip DECKER and Mary FULLER; William Ezra DECKER and Mabel Sophia AYLESWORTH and Reginald Gilbert DECKER, who, after this genealogy was made, married Grace Carrie OLIVER, both of New Berlin. It was made before 1933 when my mother and father were married. I have transcribed this EXACTLY as it was written so there are mistakes and some untruths as far as some of the dates but all in all it is a well researched genealogy.
Under NO circumstances will I give permission to genealogy for pay sites and research. All my genealogy is free to be copied and shared with other family members as long as no one makes any money.
Copyright 2007. Elaine Kay Decker
Please contact me for discussion, corrections, or anything else you might like to talk about.
One other thing; I do have additions and corrections for this paper.
PHILIP SINES, born 5-22, 1775; married 11-15, 1804; died 3-15, 1859; address or place, unknown.
Percilla BANGS, his wife, born 7-20, 1787; died about 1879; address or place, unknown. Their children, 16: John, Ellen, Polly, Lemuel, Sally, Rebecca, Rhoda, Lucretia, Herman, Nathan, Peter, Philip, Sophia, Julia, Frances, Samuel.
1.JOHN SINES, born about 1806; single, died about 1891; T. Roxbury.
2.ELLEN SINES, born about 1808; m. about 1840; died about 1890; T. Laurens.
Ephraim DECKER, born about 1807; her husband; died about 1904; T. Laurens.
Their children, 8: Philip, Lavina, Sarah E., Lucretia, Rhoda, Julia, Mary, David H.
1.PHILIP DECKER, born about 1845; married about 1870; died about 1900; T. New Berlin.
Mary FULLER, born about 1845; his wife; died about 1904; T. New Berlin.
Their children, 4: William Ezra, Anna, Henry, Lavina.
1.WILLIAM EZRA DECKER; married; died 8-14, 1920; T. Sherburne.
Mabel AYLESWORTH, his wife; living; New Berlin. Their children, 6: Philip, Reginald, Mary, Queenie, Mabel, Anna.
Philip DECKER; married; living; New Berlin.
Esther KAZLAUKUS, his wife; living; New Berlin.
Reginald DECKER; single; living; New Berlin.
Mary DECKER; single; living; New Berlin.
Queenie DECKER; married; living; New Berlin.
Ervin BORST, her husband; living; New Berlin.
Mabel DECKER, born 1916; single; living; New Berlin.
Anna DECKER; born 1919; single; living; New Berlin.
Children of Philip DECKER and Mary FULLER:
Anna DECKER; single; died about 1890; T. Laurens.
Henry DECKER; single; died about 1885; T. Laurens.
Lavina DECKER; married; died about 1903; T. Pittsfield.
Bert SCOTT, her husband; living; New Berlin. Children, 1: Marjorie
1.Marjorie SCOTT; married; living; Edmeston.
William CARD, her husband; living; Edmeston.
Children of Ephraim DECKER and Ellen SINES:
Lavina DECKER; born 1846; married; died about 1900; T. Laurens.
June ROGERS, her first husband; died about 1870; T. Prattsville. Children 1:
Ephraim ROGERS, born 1868; single; died about 1915; Rome, N.Y.
2nd husband
Henry OLIN, her second husband; died about 1880; T. Laurens. Children, 2:
Ella, Mina.
Ella OLIN; born 1873; married; died about 1902; T. Laurens.
Oswald WELCH, her husband; living; T. Laurens. Children, 1: Winsor.
Winsor WELCH; born 1893; single; died about 1903; T. Laurens.
Mina OLIN; born 1875; single; living; T. Laurens.
Sarah E. DECKER (d/o Philip DECKER and Mary FULLER;) Born 1847; married; died 10-10, 1914; T. Hartwick.
Leverette BLISS, her husband; died 8-13, 1915; T. Hartwick. Children, 10:
Emmett H., George, Adelbert, John, Jesse, Leo, Harry, Julia, Bessie, Anna.
Emmett H. BlISS; married; living. T. Milford.
Bessie SPOOR, his wife; living; T. Milford
George BLISS; married March, 1898; living; 51 Wilkins St., Newburgh, N.Y.
Belle OSTERHOUDT, his wife; living; 51 Wilkins St., Newburgh, N.Y.
Adelbert BLISS; single; living; Binghamton, N.Y.
John BLISS; born 1864; single; died 1867; T. Hartwick.
Jesse BLISS; born 1873; single; died 1887; T. Milford.
Leo BLISS; born 1889; single; died 1909; T. Hartwick.
Harry BLISS; born 1865; single; died 1884; T. Milford.
Julia BLISS; married; died about 1909; T. Otsego.
James LEMERBECKER; her husband; died about 1908; T. Otsego. Children, 1:
Mary LEMERBECKER; married; died about 1920; Alexander Bay, N.Y.
Maxwell WHEELER, her husband; died Nov., 1928; Ogdensburgh, N.Y.
Children, 1. Eleanor.
Eleanor WHEELER; born 1916; single; living; 1150 Glencove Road, N. Syracuse, N.Y.; adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. KOENIG, same address.
Bessie BLISS; married; died about 1888; T. Oswego.
George HECOX, her husband; died 2-3,'31; Earlville, N.Y.
Bessie H. HECOX; married Jan. 1914; living; 872 Lancaster Avenue, Syracuse, N.Y.
Frank JOYNER, her husband, died Nov., 1924. Children, 1: Sarah Elison
Sarah Elison JOYNER; single; living; Syracuse.
Anna BLISS; married 11-19, 1889; living; Earlville, N.Y.
George HECOX, her husband; died 2-3-1931; Earlville, N.Y. Children, 4:
George, Francis, Nellie, Lavancha.
George HEXOC; married; living; Earlville, N.Y. His wife; living; Earlville, N.Y.
Francis HECOX; married; living; address unknown; His wife; living; address
Nellie HECOX; married; living; address unknown. Her husband; living; address unknown.
Lavancha HECOX; single, living, Earlville, N.Y.
DAVID H. DECKER; married; died about 1920; T. Andes.
Elizabeth MINER, his wife; died 1-10, 1925; T. Andes. Children, 2: Irving,
Irving DECKER; single; living; Shavertown, N.Y.
Georgia DECKER; married; living; Catskill, N.Y.
Richard DIMMICK, 1st husband, divorced. Children, 1: Leslie.
Clem WILSON, 2nd husband; living; Catskill, N.Y.
Leslie DIMMICK; married; living CATSKILL, N.Y.
Viola, his wife; living; Catskill, N.Y.
Lucretia DECKER; married; died 1-14, 1919; T. Otsego.
Benjamin SMITH; her husband; died 9-9-, 1919; Kansas City, Mo. Children 1: Minnie
Minnie SMITH; married; living; Cooperstown, N.Y.
John PHILLIPS, her husband; living; Cooperstown, N.Y.
Rhoda Ellen DECKER; m. about 1866; died Jan., 1889; Oneonta, N.Y.
Charles WHITE, her husband; died 5-27-1907; Hartford, Conn. Children, two:
E. Grace, Ellen Amelia.
E. Grace WHITE; m. 10-15, 1889; living; 1124 Commonwealth Ave., Boston,
Gregory J. ARCHBOLD, her first husband; divorced 10-29, 1906.
D. Clinton BRIGGS, her second husband; living.
Ellen Amelia WHITE; single; died July, 1890; Oneonta, N.Y.
Julia DECKER; married about 1870; died 5-12-1903; T. Hartwick.
Henry FREELAND, her husband; died 6-2, 1923; T. Hartwick. Children, 4: Kit, Minnie, Fannie, Henry.
Kit FREELAND; single died about 1910; T. Hartwick.
Minnie FREELAND; single, died about 1912; T. Hartwick.
Fannie FREELAND; married; living; Sheffield, Ill.
Calvin ROGERS, first husband; divorced.
George BROOKHOUT, second husband; married Oct. 12, 1910; living; Sheffield, Ill.
Henry FREELAND; single; died Sept., 1913; Phenix Mills, N.Y.
Mary DECKER, married; died Jan. 22, 1930; T. Otsego.
Otis BLISS, her husband; died about 1876; T. Milford; Children, 3: Addie,
William, Bert.
Addie BLISS; single; died about 1890; T. Otsego.
William BLISS; single; living; address unknown.
Bert BLISS, married; living; address unknown. Wife unknown but living.
----------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- ------------------
Polly SINES; born 1810; single; died about 1907; address unknown.
Lemuel SINES; born 1814; single; died 4-16, 1894; T. Middletown.
Sally SINES; born 8-15, 1812; married 1-29, 1852; died 3-10, 1895; T.
Adam KNISKERN, her husband; died about 1874; T. Blenheim. Children, 2:
Infant, Edward Monroe.
(Infant) KNISKERN; born 1853; single; died 1853; T. Blenheim.
Edward Monroe KNISKERN; married; died 11-19, 1914; Kingston, N.Y.
Minnie Margaret TURK, his wife; died 7-4, 1929; Kingston, N.Y. Children, 4:
Floyd B., Helen, Warren M., Margaret.
Floyd B. KNISKERN; married; living; 408 Hampton Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Florence CRUDE, his wife; living; same address.
Helen KNISKERN; married; living; 130 Buckingham Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.
Harry P. BROWN, her husband; living; same address.
Warren M. KNISKERN; married; living; Manlius, N.Y.
Ruth MEIER, his wife, living, Manlius, N.Y.
Margaret KNISKERN; married; living; 1419 Bellevue Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.
Arthur JENKINS, her husband; living; same address.
Rebecca SINES; born 1815; single; died about 1840; address unknown.
Rhoda SINES; born 1817; married about 1840; died 7-30, 1898; T. Jefferson.
David HENDRY; born 1815; her husband; died 1-20-1862; T. Harpersfield.
Children, 7: Mary Elizabeth, Rhoda Ann, Helen Amelia, Sarah Eliza, Cornelia
Emillissa, David Wellington, Susan Antoinette.
Mary Elizabeth HENDRY; married 1867; died about 1881; T. Harpersfield.
Robert GORDON, her husband; died about 1906; T. Harpersfield. Children, 1:
George P.
George P. GORDON; married 1890; died 4-7, 1930; Oneonta, N.Y.
Effie COUSE, his wife; died about 1903; T. Davenport. Children, 1: Robert.
Robert Gordon; married 1917; d. about 1923; T. Herkimer.
Viola COOPER, his wife; living; address unknown. Children, 4: Edna, Eva,
Ethel, Laura.
Edna GORDON; born 7-6, 1918; single; living; address unknown.
Eva GORDON; born 4-24, 1920; single; living; address unknown.
Ethel GORDON; born 6-10, 1921; single; living; address unknown.
Laura GORDON; born 10-27, '22; single; living; address unknown.
Rhoda Ann HENDRY; born 1843; single; died 1866; T. Kortright.
Helen Amelia HENDRY; born 1846; married 1866; died 4-5, 1930; T. Harpersfield
Delos SEELEY, her husband; died 1-2, 1902; T. Jeferson. Children, 1: Herbert Delos.
Herbert Delos SEELEY, married 1896; died about 1917; Los Angeles, Cal.
Ethel SHAVER, his wife; living; address unknown. Children: none.
Sarah Eliza HENDRY, born 1847; married 1874; living; N. Harpersfield.
Amos BARNUM, her husband; died 2-20, 1911; T. Harpersfield.
Cornelia Emillissa HENDRY, married 1-1, 1871; living; N. Harpersfield.
Rollin HAMILTON, her husband; died about 1883; T. Harpersfield.
David Wellington HENDRY, born 1879; living; N. Harpersfield.
Elizabeth TITUS, his wife; died about 1910; Frankfort, N.Y.
Susan Antoinette HENDRY, married 1880; living; N. Harpersfield.
Perry M. DENNY, her husband; living; same address.
LUCRETIA SINES; born 1819; m.; died 4-14, 1903; T. Hartwick.
Gould S. SILLIMAN; her husband, died 10-13, 1855; T. Portlandville. Children, 5: Mary, Frances, Melissa, Erwin, Loron.
Mary SILLIMAN; living; single; Toddsville, N.Y.
Frances SILLIMAN; married; living; Toddsville, N.Y.
Ira BUTTS, her husband; died about 1890; address unknown.
Melissa SILLIMAN; single; living; Toddsville, N.Y.
Erwin SILLIMAN; single; died 4-12, 1867; T. Hartwick.
Loron SILLIMAN; married; died 12-25, 1877; T. Columbia.
Eva SHAW, his wife; living; Milford, N.Y.
Homer BARRETT, her 2nd husband; living; Milford
Children: Erwin
Erwin SILLMAN; married; living; Chadwicks, N.Y.
Anna BOISE, his wife; living; Chadwicks, N.Y.
HERMAN SINES; born 1821; single; died about 1900; address unknown.
Nathan SINES; born about 1825; married about 1876; died about 1897; Michigan.
Sarah WHITE, his wife; died about 1890; children none.
Peter SINES; born about 1825; married about 1873; died about 1902; Mich. Children, 1: Emma.
Emma SINES; born about 1874; m. about 1893; died about 1910; address unknown.
John KAUFMAN, her husband; died about 1926; address, Michigan. Children, 3: Emma, John, Lemuel.
Emma KAUFMAN, born about 1894; died 1894; Grand Rapids, Mich.
John KAUFMAN, born about 1895; died 1895; Grand Rapids, Mich.
Lemuel KAUFMAN, born about 1897; died 1897; Grand Rapids, Mich.
Philip SINES; born 1826; single; died about 1832; T. Stamford.
Sophia SINES; born 1830; single; died about 1834; T. Stamford.
Julia SINES; born 1832; single; died about 1835; T. Stamford.
Frances SINES; born 1834; married; died 5-19, 1893; T. Roxbury.
David CRONK; born 1830, her husband; died about 1899; T. Roxbury; Children, 8: David, Frank, Addison, Willis, John, Roma, Nettie, Ella.
David CRONK; married; living; T. Roxbury.
Susie THOMAS, his wife; died about 1922; T. Roxbury.
Frank CRONK; married; living Grand Gorge, N.Y.
Katherine CONNERTY, his wife; living; same address.
Addison CRONK; born 1859; m. 1880; d. 7-12, '33; Stamford.
Eliza Rosette VANDYKE, wife; died Aug. 20, 1919; T. Roxbury. Children 4: Raymond F., Louis, Addison, Jr., Nettie.
Raymond CRONK; married 1914; living; Hobart, N.Y.
Ida RUTESHOUSER, his wife; living; Towanda, Pa.
Louis CRONK; married 1913; living; Towanda, Pa.
Blanche SALISBURY, his wife; living; Towanda, Pa.
Addison CRONK; married 1912; living; Windham, N.Y.
Clara MORSE, his wife; living; Windham, N.Y.
Nettie CRONK; married 1908; died 1913; Fleischmanns, N.Y.
Bert MAXIM, her husband; died 1924; Fleischmanns, N.Y., children, 3: Beatrice, Dorothy, Otis.
Beatrice MAXIM; married; living; 8 Columbia St. Oneonta, N.Y.
John McINTIRE, her husband; living; same address.
Dorothy MAXIM; married; living Bloomville, N.Y.
Justine ANDERSON, her husband; living Bloomville, N.Y.
Otis MAXIM; single; living; 2025 Eye St., N.W. Washington, D.C.
Willis CRONK; married; died 6-16, 1914; T. Roxbury.
Jennie WEST, his wife; living; Hobart, N.Y. Children 2: Lillian, Loron.
Lillian CRONK; married; living; Mt. Vernon, N.Y.
William HALL, her husband, living; Mt. Vernon, N.Y.
Loron CRONK; married; living; Troy, N.Y.
Ina WESTCOTT, his wife; living; Troy, N.Y.
John CRONK; married; died 4-19, 1918; T. Roxbury.
Ella LAWRENCE, first wife; died about 1892; T. Stamford.
Janette HASTINGS; 2nd wife; living (divorced); Middleburgh.
Ella FULLER, 3rd wife; living; Grand Gorge, N.Y.
Arthur CRONK; m. 7-5-1916; died 3-2,1926; T. Cobleskill.
Jennie ROE, his wife; living; Hyndsville, N.Y.
Jeremiah PROPER, her 2nd husband; living; Hyndsville, N.Y.
Children: 4: Leonard D., John J., Kenneth, Elmer Arthur.
Leonard D. CRONK; born 11-23, '17; single; living; Hyndsville, N.Y.
John J. CRONK; born 12-1, 1919; single; living; Hyndsville, N.Y.
Kenneth CRONK; born 6-2, 1924; single; living; Hyndsville, N.Y.
Elmer Arthur CRONK; born 10-19, 1926; single; living; Hyndsville, N.Y.
Roma CRONK; m. 3-17, 1893; d. 10-6, 1902; T. Roxbury.
Oliver MATTICE, her husband; died 6-18, 1901; T. Middleburgh. Children, 2: Victor, Virgil D.
Victor MATTICE, born 5-11, 1893; m.; living; Pittsburgh, Pa.; 18 Sylvania Ave.
Grace MURPHY, his wife; living; same address.
Virgil D. MATTICE; born 5-11, 1898, m.; living; 128 Mason Ave., Binghamton, N.Y.
Gladys E. YETTA, his wife; living; same address.
Nettie CRONK; m.; died about 1910; T. Halcott.
James GRIFFIN, her husband; died about 1912; T. Halcott. Children, 11: Addison, Jennie, Mettie, Mary, Ola, Omer, John, Ward, Fannie, Minna, Roy.
Addison GRIFFIN; married; died about 1910; T. Middletown.
Orpha WICKHAM, his wife; living; Fleischmanns, N.Y.
Rutherford BROWN, her 2nd husband; living; same address.
Children 1: Harold
Harold GRIFFIN; m.; living; Rochelle Park, N.J.
Maud MERHEN, his wife; living; same address.
Jennie GRIFFIN; married; living; T. Roxbury.
Reuben WHITNEY, her husband; died about 1924; T. Halcott.
Mettie GRIFFIN; married; living; T. Roxbury.
Granville TOWNSEND, her husband; living; T. Roxbury.
Mary GRIFFIN; married; died about 1915; T. Shandaken.
Milford BLISH; her husband; living; High Mt., N.Y. Children, 1: Frances.
Frances BLISH; single; living; Fleischmanns, N.Y.
Ola GRIFFIN; married; living; New Woodstock, N.Y.
Hanford HULL, her husband; living; same address.
Omer GRIFFIN; married; living; Roxbury, N.Y.
Fannie KEATOR, his wife; living; same address.
John GRIFFIN; married 1906; living; Pierre, S. Dakota.
Ethel MOREMAN, his wife; divorced.
Bertha WILLIAMS, 2nd wife; married; living; same address.
Ward GRIFFIN; born 1879; single; died about 1898; T. Halcott.
Fannie GRIFFIN; single; died about 1910; T. Halcott.
Minna GRIFFIN; single; died about 1909; T. Halcott.
Roy GRIFFIN; single; died about 1910; T. Halcott.
Ella CRONK; married; died 6-18, 1902; T. Roxbury.
William ANDERSON, her husband; died about 1925; Philadelphia, Pa. Children, 6: William, Etta, Frances, Nora, Ora, George.
William ANDERSON; married; living; Bloomville, N.Y.
Blanche MISSICK, his wife; living; same address.
Etta ANDERSON; married; living; 208 S. 6th St., Fulton, N.Y.
Howard ZUICK, her husband; living; same address.
Frances ANDERSON; married; living; Grand Gorge, N.Y.
Howard FULLER, her husband; living; same address.
Nora ANDERSON; married; living; Ossining, N.Y.
Harold WILDEY, her husband; living; same address.
Ora ANDERSON; married; living; 114112 Sylvia St., Van Nuys, Cal.
Karl HELD, her husband; living; same address.
George ANDERSON; married; died about 1920; T. Delhi.
Mary DIBBLE, his wife; died about 1920; T. Delhi. Children, none.
SAMUEL SINES; born 1840; single; died about 1854; T. Stamford.
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